Dini Kurnia Irmawati
  Erudio, Vol 6, No 2 (2019),  pp. 225-232  


In the context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL), the state of being successful in foreign language learning should not be only determined by how well they perform in the written test but also by how good they are at using the target language to communicate messages orally. Beside getting more exposure to the target language as the language input for language learning, implementing appropriate learning strategies has proven to be one of influential aspects in  contributing to the students’ success in learning English. In relation to this, this study aims to investigate kinds of learning strategies that have been implemented by successful students majoring in Hotel Management at Vocational Program of Universitas Brawijaya. After careful selection of the successful students, in-depth investigation to reveal their kinds of learning strategies were done by observing their classroom performance, distributing questionnaire, and interviewing them for further details of information. The results show that the students have employed compensation, meta-cognitive, social and cognitive strategies in helping them learn the target language. Future researchers are suggested to conduct a study on language learning strategies involving more learners from other majors in relation to their language learning.


EFL (English as a Foreign Language); learning strategies; successful students

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18551/erudio.6-2.9


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